Support Play


Support Play Mode offers a collaborative gaming experience where players share winnings equally with their supported personalities. This unique mode allows players to show financial support to their favorite personalities.

How it Works:

  • Play Alongside Your Partner: In Support Play Mode, players team up with their supported personalities to enjoy the game together.
  • Equal Winnings Sharing: All winnings generated in this mode are split equally between the player and their supported personality.


  • Support Your Favorites: Support Play Mode enables players to financially support their preferred personalities while enjoying the gaming experience together.
  • Diverse Supported Personalities: This mode caters to various personalities across different industries, including content creation, streaming, gaming, modeling, and acting.

Account Requirement:

For players to benefit from Support Play Mode, each supported personality must have a game account. This ensures that fans can show their financial support and engage in the gaming experience alongside their favorite personalities.


Support Play Mode in Sprinter-Stayers Roulette redefines collaborative gaming by allowing players to support their favorite personalities while sharing in the excitement of gameplay. It offers a unique opportunity for fans to connect with their idols and enjoy a mutually rewarding gaming experience.